Wednesday, October 30, 2013

JGE 14 – Part V – Scotch Bonnet Pepper Sauce and Vinegar

Good Day,

My saga with the dozens of Scotch Bonnet peppers continues.

Well the kitchen is still in a state of disrepair but the contractors have left me a little bit of counter space. Max, of course, has found a recessed area within one of the opened cabinets to just watch and wait for any scrap that tumbles to the floor.

This time my food experiment is a Beer Chili Pepper Sauce.

My ingredients:

  • Vinegar – that’s the Sukang Maasim type and it’s just because I had that in the pantry;
  • Brown Sugar;
  • Blue Moon Agave Nectar Ale – the first bottle I grabbed out of the fridge;
  • Garlic and Ginger Paste – I really like having this jar in my refrigerator. It saves time chopping and grating garlic and ginger;
  • And some more Garlic;
  • Lime;
  • 29 Scotch Bonnet Peppers – The number 29 is NOT a prerequisite. It’s just the handfuls of SB Peppers that I grabbed
  • And I did add some chopped up Mint

I mixed everything into a boiling pot of the vinegar and beer. Simmered for about 20 minutes. This potion could pass for any witches’ brew. And methinks that Hecate and her two other weird sisters may just have the right thing for powering their brooms.

Then I strained much of the liquid and threw the solid ingredients, with a little bit of the liquid, into my food processor.

After bottling the chopped up sauce I noted that there was too much left over liquid vinegar/beer to just throw out. I circumspectly thought that the liquid brew may make a good hot vinegar-type sauce. I took a taste and it certainly had a kick.

This Scotch Bonnet Pepper Sauce and Vinegar is a wee bit spicier, and much Damn hotter, than its predecessors.

Believe it or not I still have about another dozen and a-half sitting on the counter. And I just picked another half dozen more.  I just have to keep reminding myself not to touch my eyes or any other sensitive part of my body after I have cut, chopped, and hacked these potent peppers.

Eat and enjoy,


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